Melbourne has approximately 552 Residential Real Estate Agents servicing the local area with a total of 353 different Real Estate Agencies.

17 Houses and 642 Units have been sold in Melbourne during the past 12 months with a median sales price of $395,000 for Houses and $410,000 for Units.

Top Real Estate Agents in Melbourne

Top Agent #1:
Top Agent #2:
Top Agent #3:
$720,007 $687,750 $650,106
  • The Top 3 Agencies sold properties at 2.4 times higher than the average Melbourne Agency - that could mean more money for your property sale!
  • At Agent Select, we not only analyse the top performing Agencies, but also the strongest performing Real Estate Agents with a good track history of selling properties just like yours.
  • This helps ensure you receive superior service, a higher selling price, and maximum chance of your property being sold in the shortest amount of time.

Get your Melbourne property estimate

Before you speak to Agents, grab your free Property Value Report. We provide you with a comprehensive report on what Commissions and Fees to expect from the top performing Agents in Melbourne.

Report contains

  • Recent sales of similar properties
  • Property trends in Melbourne
  • An estimate of what you can expect your property to sell for

Once you're ready and armed with this information, we'll organise an appraisal from the Top Performing Agents in the area. We can also assist you in negotiating the lowest fees and commissions to achieve an even better result!

We can also assist you in negotiating the lowest fees and commissions to achieve an even better result!

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